runtime error



  1. Creates a runtime error, as it refers to a non-existing element.
  2. OpenLaszlo comes equipped with an enhanced debugging tool that allows the developer to view runtime error messages, evaluate variable values, etc.
  3. Although runtime error handling is optional, handling runtime errors is especially important when sharing data across tests.
  4. The advantage over using value comparisons is that you don't risk a runtime error.
  5. You can throw any kind of exception you like checked, runtime, or error as long as the method signature supports it.
  6. This demonstrates that we can return a fault object even if a true runtime error didn't occur.
  7. If that is the case, a runtime error is raised.
  8. There is no guarantee that the service can handle data that is not valid, so a runtime error can occur.
  9. If a book with more than one price child element is encountered, the query fails at runtime with an error.
  10. Finally, runtime error messages now include the name of the source file, the line number, and the column number where the error occurred.
  11. Any exceptions reported during runtime are stacked in the Error Log view ( log file of the workspace).
  12. At worst, the EAR file will build and install successfully, but you will get some obscure runtime error that will take you days to debug.
  13. When a solid regression suite is present for testing the application, incorporating a runtime error detection tool such as Purify in it is a smart thing to do.
  14. Because we now live in the world of OSGi and dynamic runtimes, we want to make sure our plug-in can run without causing a runtime crash or error.
  15. In such a case, passing on an Order ID, which does not conform to these standards, will obviously result in a runtime error.
  16. Obviously, this would only be desirable during development& at runtime it would be preferable to log this failure to a log4j error stream or something equally less distracting to the user.
  17. IBM Rational PurifyPlus ™& Increase unit testing and debugging effectiveness with runtime error detection, bottleneck discovery, and code coverage analysis.
  18. Because the package name is different, the search for the new package at runtime results in an error since it isn't bound to the database ( as in the previous examples).
  19. When an exception occurs, the runtime makes available a text message to inform the user of the nature of the error and to suggest action to resolve the problem.
  20. Global error handling: The most requested feature by those developing applications for the Flash runtime is a mechanism for global error handing.
  21. Our team has already authored several task-focused tutorials and runtime error resolutions as part of the suite's beta release, and we will introduce more in the future.
  22. When a program terminates due to a runtime error, it displays an error code and the address at which the error occurred.
  23. If the runtime startup code does not find a matching folder, the runtime is not loaded; the startup code shows an error message and quits.
  24. A dynamic object is assumed at compile time to support any operation, and only at runtime will you get an error if it wasn't so.
  25. Improve application reliability and user experience by catching and handling unexpected runtime errors and present custom error messages.
  26. Debug logs are compiled in but stripped at runtime. Error, warning and info logs are always kept.
  27. This paper introduces the methods, tools and practice of software white-box testing, including software static analysis, coverage testing and runtime error checking.
  28. It captures and discards application runtime error to enhance the system's stability;
  29. For a given subject, it firstly analyzes the source code to determine which variables should be traced at runtime and where they should be traced. Then the tool inserts constraint maintenance codes and error detecting codes into the subject program.



  1. an error in logic or arithmetic that must be detected at run time

      Synonym:    semantic errorrun-time error